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Importing routes

UgCS software allows route import in several formats: .JSON, .KML and .CSV. Starting version 5.4 is available for multiple route import.

JSON file import:

Click on the "Add new route" button


Browse for the file in .json format and click the button "Next".


KML file import:

Click on the "Add new route" button;
Browse for the file in .kml format and click the button "Next"


While importing KML UgCS read elements from Placemark. If Placemark contains MultiGeometry with several elements all of them will be imported.

LineString - while importing can be converted into Waypoint, Corridor mapping, Vertical Scan, or Lidar corridor by user choice. For Vertical scan, Corridor mapping and Lidar corridor points altitude will be ignored. Waypoint will save altitude mode and altitude value from KML.

LineRing - while importing can be converted into AreaScan, Photogrammetry, Perimeter or Lidar area, by user choice. Waypoint mode and points altitude will be ignored.

CSV file import:

Click on the "Add new route" button;
Browse for the file in .kml format and click the button "Next"


There are two ways to describe data in CSV:

•without column names (headers) - in that case, a column order defines a data meaning;
•with column names (header) - in that case, column names (headers) a data meaning.

CSV sch****ema without column names (header):
CSV file must have 3 mandatory fields: "Latitude", "Longitude", "AltitudeAGL". The fourth field "Speed" is optional. Please note the header is ignored if it contains letters.

CSV schema with column names (header):
To recognize data column names are used. CSV file can contain any number of columns, but only columns with the following names are used to get data:

Column nameValuesRequiredData meaning
WPIntNoThe waypoint number in the route.
If not specified then the waypoints are ordered by row number.
LatitudeDoubleYesThe latitude of the waypoint.
LongitudeDoubeYesThe longitude of the waypoint.
AltitudeAGLDoubleRequired if AltitudeAMSL not specifiedThe AGL altitude of the waypoint.
AltitudeAMSLDoubleRequired if AltitudeAGL not specifiedThe AMSL altitude of the waypoint
SpeedDoubleNo"Flight speed" attribute value of the waypoint. If not specified then 5 m/s.
PictureFalse (case insensitive)NoIf true then "Set camera mode" action with option "Shot" is created for the waypoint.
UavYawDouble 0.00-360.00 If the value is out of the range then it is automatically converted to the value in the rangeNoDrone Yaw (degrees relative to the north).

If specified then the "Change yaw" action with corresponding "Yaw" relative to the north is created for the waypoint.
CameraTiltDouble 0.00-360.00 If the value is out of the range then it is automatically converted to the value in the rangeNoCamera till (degrees). If specified then the "Set camera attitude" action with corresponding "Tilt" is created for the waypoint.
WaitTimeDoubleNoWait time (seconds). If specified then the "Wait" action with corresponding "Wait duration, s" is created for the waypoint.

Separator - ',' (comma)











