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How to connect FreeFly Alta X

To connect FreeFly Alta X to UgCS, follow the steps:

  1. Make sure PX4 VSM is installed and running in the service manager and Ardupilot VSM is turned off (or not installed)
  2. Open PX4 VSM configuration file (Located in C:/Program Files(x86)/UgCS/bin/vsm-px4.conf
  3. Change the port to 14550 (line "connection.udp_in.1.local_port ="). The default port is 14540, change it to 14550. Make sure to save the file and restart PX4 VSM afterward in the Service Manager.
  4. Connect the Alta X drone to Alta QGC and change the parameter CBRK_PARAMBLOCK from "Alta GCS Only" to "All"

After performing these actions the Alta X drone should now connect to UgCS and route upload will work.

Points 2-3 are not necessary if you use UgCS version 4.11 or newer.