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Cannot connect UgCS desktop and UgCS for DJI mobile application

Q: Cannot connect UgCS desktop and Android mobile app.

Firstly, please, make sure you are using the latest version of UgCS for DJI on your mobile device.

  • create a Wi-Fi hot spot on your mobile device and connect your laptop to it directly;
  • disable antivirus and firewall for testing purposes.
    Also, in UgCS for DJI Android app settings set these options:
  • Turn on ‘Enable SSDP’. Menu - Advanced - Enable SSDP check mark.
  • Turn off ‘Enable UgCS direct connection’. Menu - Advanced - Enable UgCS direct connection check mark.

How To - connect UgCS for DJI (Android) with UgCS desktop
How To - connect UgCS for DJI (iOS) with UgCS desktop

If after those steps the connection is still not possible, please send us the logs from your mobile device and your computer to support@ugcs.com.

Logs of UgCS desktop are located:

  • Windows:
    C:\Users\ [USER NAME]\AppData\Local\UGCS\logs
  • macOS
    /Users/[User Name]/Library/Logs
  • Linux

Logs of UgCS for DJI (Android device)are located:

  • Device storage > Android > data > com.ugcs.android.vsm.dji > files