UgCS provides warnings about dangerous convergences concerning vehicles controlled by UgCS, and vehicles observed by UgCS, via the microADS-B receiver or pingUSB - uAvionix.

To display the ADS-B monitor window, click on the ADS-B icon (Figure 37 - ADS-B icon) at the top right-hand corner of the screen.

The calculation of the collision possibility is based on three parameters:
• H – horizontal distance (meters)
• V – vertical distance (meters)
• T – warning time (seconds)
Values for the vehicles, controlled by UgCS:
• H = 20 m
• V = 15 m
• T = 60 sec
Values for the vehicles, observed by UgCS:
• H = 9 260 m (5 NM)
• V = 300 m
• T = 60 sec
Warnings about possible collisions appear in the log window if vehicles, during the minimal convergence, would, in the future, violate both boundaries (H / V) of any other vehicle in a time less than T. A warning is not displayed if the minimal convergence occurred in the past and the vehicles fly apart from one another.
A warning is cleared if one of the following events occurs:
• The minimal convergence persisted in the past and the spread angle between the trajectories is more than 20 degrees;
• The minimal convergence persisted in the past and the spread angle between the trajectories is less than 20 degrees, and the areas of the vehicles are not violated.
Warnings were created only for vehicles that were added to the vehicle list. When control is released, all current alerts for that vehicle are removed.
An indicator in the top right corner shows whether any ADS-B receivers are currently connected. It is displayed green if a connection with at least one such device is active, and grey otherwise.
Updated about 1 year ago