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How to change the starting point of a route?

Q: How do I resume the route from the last point after I returned the drone home for a battery change?

If there is a need to interrupt the flight for battery change or any other reason, proceeded route is memorized. To resume the flight, choose “Upload” for the route. For a partially completed route, a dialogue with four options will be displayed:
Continue route. This option allows continuing the route exactly where it was dropped.
Start route from the beginning. The mission will start from the first waypoint.
Start route from waypoint #. This option will send the drone to the specified route waypoint, from which it will proceed with the mission.
Take-off to route’s first waypoint#. If the mission area is further than 30 meters from the initial drone location, an additional waypoint is required to overcome the 30-meter safety distance. This checkbox will send the drone through this first waypoint onto the mission.