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Vertical scan


The vertical scan creates a flight route to scan vertical objects. The calculation of the route is similar to Photogrammetry's tool only for vertical objects. It is implied, that the scanning zone is always rectangular, limited by vertical lines passing through A and B and horizontal lines on the minimum and maximum height.

Turn typeInput field allow to change drone turn typeStop & Turn - defauld and safe turn
Adaptive Bank Turn - can be used ONLY by advanced pilot.
Minimum height (AGL)Input field allowing to specify minimum heightSpecifies minimum height above ground relief
AGL only irrespective to route settings
Parameter is mandatory
Must be in a range of allowed altitude for the vehicle profile: between «Safe height over terrain» and «Max altitude, AGL» Must not be greater than «Maximum height (AGL)»
Maximum height (AGL)Input field allowing to specify maximum heightSpecifies maximum height above ground relief
AGL only irrespective to route settings.
Parameter is mandatory
Must be in a range of allowed altitude for the vehicle profile: between «Safe height over terrain» and «Max altitude, AGL»
Must not be less than «Minimum height (AGL)»
Distance to facadeInput field allowing to specify the distance to facadeSpecifies drone distance to the facade
CameraDrop down list containing cameras attached to the vehicle profileParameter is mandatory
Line Spacing:
Side overlap (%)
Input field allowing to specify overlap in percentageSpecifies overlap percentage between subsequent shots on a single forward pass
Default 50%
Parameter is mandatory
Must not exceed 90%
Line Spacing:
Side distance (m)
Input field allowing to specify side distance in metersSpecifies side distance meters
PatternDropdown with two values:
• Horizontal
• Vertical
Specifies scan pattern type
Default is vertical
Parameter is mandatory
Vertical speedInput field allowing to specify vertical speedSpecifies required vertical speed
Default maximum vertical speed from profile
Parameter is mandatory
Must not exceed maximum allowed vertical speed from profile
Horizontal speedInput field allowing to specify horizontal speedSpecifies required horizontal speed
Default maximum horizontal speed from profile divided by 2 Parameter is mandatory
Must not exceed maximum allowed horizontal speed from profile
Follow terrainCheckboxAllows the UAV to automatically adjust altitude during flights based on current elevation
AGL ToleranceInput field allowing to specify how precisely the UAV should follow required altitude above groundTo maintain specified height additional waypoints will be added if the difference of height is larger than AGL tolerance. The smaller the AGL tolerance value, the more amount of waypoints will be generated. If AGL tolerance is set 0 (zero) UAV’s altitude will be constant throughout the route, but many additional waypoints will be added.

A vertical scan scanning zone is always a vertical rectangle with vertical (default) or horizontal flight pattern.
• During the flight, the vehicle will always face a facade;
• Turn type is Stop & turn
• «Camera by time» automatic triggering is calculated based on the distance to the façade, camera FOV, and vehicle speed (depending on the selected pattern vertical or horizontal)

After the route is calculated successfully, the message will show:

  1. Vertical scan area, resulting GSD, step between forwarding passes
  2. Calculated the number of camera shots and the interval between shots

Scanning will start from the corner of the rectangle, which is closest to the first waypoint, or if no waypoint is set before the Vertical scan - from the left bottom corner.
Vertical scan-supported actions:
• Camera control
• Camera trigger
• Camera by time
• Wait.