Geotags writing to photo files
To write geotags to photo files, follow the steps:
- Copy photo files from the camera and back it up.
- Open telemetry player. Add drone to the vehicle list. Check that telemetry data can be found for selected drone.
- Open geotagging window for selected drone.
- Calculate time offset value. For this calculation, compare camera time and photo time.
- Take photo of UgCS desktop time by camera and select time from picture - this is photo time;
- Open UgCS client -> telemetry player -> add vehicle -> open geotagging window;
- Click Browse and select photo from previous step;
- Camera time is displayed in geotagging window at string after words “start time”;
- Calculate difference between two values in seconds.
- Add all photos from camera (exclude photo with screen).
- Set calculated camera offset. Set time zone of the camera if necessary.
- Process and save geotags to photo files.
Updated almost 3 years ago